
In a time in which many people experience stress, uncertainty and anxiety, there’s a growing interest in the practise of meditation. The forms and the goals of meditation can be numerous – like meditating in a sitting position or in movement, in silence or listening to music, creating a relaxing fantasy or trying to empty the mind.

One way of meditation is to meditate on an object. The goal would be to get to know the true meaning, the hidden essence of the object. The object can be another person, a phenomena or a truthful content.

For example, a teacher can accurately observe a child and for some days, in contemplative moments, recreate a mental image of the appearance and behaviour of the little one. By doing so the adult seeks to find a more truthful understanding and empathy for the uniqueness of the child, in order to accompany and guide the child in the best way. In this process the educator needs to overcome his own subjectivity, and let a deeper comprehension grow by his repeated observation with love and dedication. Such a form of meditation has a harmonizing influence on the soul of the teacher as well as on the soul of the child.

The same principle applies for the meditation on a truthful content such as a mantra or a spiritual text of which we wish to discover (the) deeper meaning. Also, here we must enter in an objective relationship, letting go of personal emotions and hasty interpretations, and instead thinking accurately the spiritual idea. Every truthful thought represents a universal idea, a solar force which wants to reveal itself to mankind. The goal of meditation on a universal truth would be to radiate this solar force also for others and for the world.

Heinz Grill explains in his weekly letters on meditation – these can be requested from his website – that the practise of meditation shouldn’t be for mere personal motives but to give life, existence to a universal truth.

This principle, that meditation is a gift to the world and that it requests the overcoming and moderation of the self, so that a higher consciousness can resurge, should be our initial understanding.

His hope is that more and more people will take up the practise of a spiritual meditation, and that this practise can have a positive influence on the critical situation in the world, creating seeds for a new and better culture.

The more people create good contents in their concentration exercise and let these become soul feelings, the more irradiates during the night in the cosmos, and on this basis there could be the possibility, that lies recede and elements of culture resurge.

The practise of meditation has a transformative effect on the practitioner: when we contemplate on spiritual content, first the idea exists as an image in front of us, and it will accompany us during the day. By daily meditation practise the spiritual idea can become a feeling of truth in the heart. A deep and truthful feeling brings about inner stability and increases our creative force. When we commit ourselves to trying to realise our ideal in life, one day we will become authentic with the universal ideal and in our soul we will be like a sun which radiates and creates.


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