The Free Breath

Every one of us has an individual respiration. The rhythm, the depth and the quality of the breath have an influence on our physical and mental well-being. When for instance our respiration isn’t natural and wide, but instead narrow and strained, this will cause disharmony in both body and soul. The free breathing exercises consist of Yoga movements, which can be soft or more dynamic, accompanied by a respiration that always flows freely.

To breath freely in different Yoga postures will make our respiration completer and more natural, which reinforces our metabolism and frees the body of stagnation and toxins. As a result, energy begins to flow and it will give us a mental and physical feeling of lightness and vitality.

When this practise of the free breath is accompanied by spiritual ideas, this may lead to a new perception and understanding for life. For instance, we can practise with the thought that “the soul always wants to connect and progress”, an expansive movement while our breath flows widely in our chest. The spiritual idea together with the creative Yoga practise, will bring about a pleasant feeling of being connected to ourselves and to the environment, thereby enhancing our social capacity.

Exercising in this way with spiritual ideas, we can experience how the breath frees itself from its bondage to the body and for a moment becomes like a great cosmic rhythm. By letting our breath flow freely our body will relax and also our mind will become freer. In this way the soul, with clear thoughts and creative feelings, can guide and form the Yoga postures in a free and artistic manner.

Heinz Grill explains the concept and practise of the free breath in these translated books: The Soul Dimension of Yoga and Harmony in Breathing.


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